T. Damjanovic A novel travelling-wave Zeeman decelerator for production of cold radicals
K. Najafian Quantum manipulation of a single trapped molecular ion
C. v. Planta A Cryogenic Molecular Ion-Neutral Hybrid Trap
P. Eberle Increased Control over Reaction Conditions in a Hybrid Trap
P. Fountas Theoretical Study and Experimental Implementation of an Ion-Nanowire Hybrid System
A. Kilaj Reactions of trapped ions with state- and conformer-selected neutral molecules
U. Rivero Computational Insights into Reactions of Controlled Molecules
A. Dörfler Cold molecular ion-neutral collisions in a dynamic ion-atom hybrid trap
D. Haas Towards Hybrid Trapping of Cold Molecules and Cold Molecular Ions
I. J. Rouse A miniaturised hybrid ion-atom chip trap and the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of trapped ions
I. Sergachev High-Power and Narrow-Linewidth Optimizations of Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers
A. Mokhberi Scalable Microchip Ion Traps and Guides for Cold Molecular Ions
D. Rösch Reactive collisions with conformationally controlled molecules
F. H. J. Hall Cold ion-neutral reactions