L. Ploenes A Novel Crossed-Molecular-Beam Setup: Investigating state- and conformer-specific effects in bimolecular reactions

T.  Damjanovic  A novel travelling-wave Zeeman decelerator for production of cold radicals

G. V. Hegi  Towards A Non-Destructive Single Molecular Ion State Readout And Rotational Inelastic Collisions Between Molecular Nitrogen Ions and Argon Atoms

K. Najafian Quantum manipulation of a single trapped molecular ion

M. Sinhal Quantum Control of Single Molecular Ions

P. Eberle  Increased Control over Reaction Conditions in a Hybrid Trap

P.  Fountas Theoretical study and experimental implementation of an ion-nanowire hybrid system

A. Kilaj Reactions of trapped ions with state- and conformer-selected neural molecules

C. v. Planta A Cryogenic Molecular Ion-Neutral Hybrid Trap

A. Dörfler Cold molecular ion-neutral collisions in a dynamic ion-atom hybrid trap

D. Haas Towards hybrid trapping of cold molecules and cold molecular ions

U. Rivero Computational insights into reactions of controlled molecules

I. J. Rouse  A miniaturised hybrid ion-atom chip trap and the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of trapped ions

I. Sergachev  High-power and narrow-linewidth optimizations of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers

M. Germann Dipole-forbidden vibrational transitions in molecular ions : a novel route to precision spectroscopy and studying effects of interest to fundamental physics

A. Mokhberi Scalable microchip ion traps and guides for cold molecular ions

D. Rösch Reactive collisions with conformationally controlled molecules

F. H. J. Hall  Cold ion-neutral reactions