Prof. Dr. Stefan Willitsch
Department of Chemistry
University of Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 80
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
Tel. +41 (0)61 207 38 30
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Date and location of birth: Dec. 24, 1975 (Villach, Austria)
1994-2000 Studies of chemistry and interdisciplinary sciences at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2000 Diploma in Natural Sciences
2004 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, ETH Zurich (supervisor Prof. Frédéric Merkt)
2004 Junior Research Fellow, Christ Church and Physical and
Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford (UK)
2007 Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, University College London, UK
2008 SNSF Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
2014 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
2022 Full Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
1996-2004 Member of the Swiss Study Foundation
2004 Junior Research Fellowship, Christ Church, University of Oxford
2005 Medal of ETH Zurich
2005 Dimitris N. Chorafas Award
2008 Marlow Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry
2010 Ruzicka-Preis
2015 SNSF Consolidator Grant Award
2022 SNSF Advanced Grant Award